Blacker Than Black Times Infinity

Is your podcast subscription list exceptionally monochromatic? Are you suffering from the ill effects of society forcing you to view geek culture through a white lens? We have a cure for that! One weekly dose of Blacker Than Black Times Infinity, will cure both of these maladies! Hosted by Cthulhu’s Prodigy, Kr0nus, Stitch, Blue and Old …

blue ticks paused

Twitter Does The Bare Minimum By "Pausing" Blue Ticks

The blue ticks have become more redundant as time has gone on but now they’re being paused. The company announced they were halting “all general verification requests”. The decision has been linked to the fact a known white supremacist was verified. The man in question was Jason Kessler, the Unite the Right rally organiser whose …

Broken iPhone X

Consumers SHOCKED That Expensive iPhone Still Breaks

I don’t know what people expected from a device made of plastic and glass but here we are. Videos and tweets have been published showing the fragility of the iPhone X. Apple claimed their iPhone X was “the most durable glass ever in a smartphone”, but SquareTrade put that to the test and it didn’t …

iOS Apps

Apps - The Real iPhone Killer

There are countless articles asking whether the latest phone is an “iPhone killer.” Android phones are more globally abundant than iPhones but that hasn’t impeded their dominance. Apple has created a cult around their products for years, and the iPhone is no exception. But you can’t “kill” anything Apple makes. The iPhone will be ever …

Bundesstraße 280

Some Arbitrary Facts About The Number 280

Twitter is trialling an extension to its character limit for tweets – from 140 to 280. Seeing as they find combatting online abuse and Nazism so arbitrary, here are some meaningless facts about the number 280. (thanks to Numbermatics and Wikipedia for the info)

Danish Students Create A Rotary Phone That Dials Up The Internet

Danish Students Create A Phone That Dials Up The Internet

We all remember dial-up internet (some people still use it today, or at least have the same speed). Students James Zhou, Sebastian Paul Hunkeler, Jens Skoug Obel and Isak Frostå from the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design have built an “internet phone” using a classic rotary telephone. It allows users to “call” websites, with each …

Interview: Jer'Maine Jones, Jr.

To mark DatCode’s first birthday, we caught up with the founder: Jer’Maine Jones, Jr. and discussed his origins as a coder, his thoughts on diversity in Silicon Valley and what gave him the impetus to start a community for black coders.