How an unsolveable problem taught 3Blue1Brown about topology
I like my mathematical problems like I like my— never mind.
I like my mathematical problems like I like my— never mind.
Atlas of Space is an interactive visualization to explore the planets, moons, asteroids, and other objects in the Solar System.
Amazing for anyone remotely interested in the universe that we live in.
Robotics guy Kevin McAleer used his skills to make a Tamagotchi out of a Raspberry Pi Pico, dubbed the Picotamachibi. The shell is 3D printed and it comes with the standard three buttons to take care of your virtual pet.
That’s a big TV!
Is smartphone a misnomer or an ironic name?
7.8 – too much vision, too much pro
For Chemistry World, Katrina Megget on the chemical complexity of a cup of tea: Drinking tea has been popular for millennia. Slowly the science is starting to reveal the complex chemical nature of our favourite brew.
A powerful number indeed.
What posts were the best in 2024?
With some paper, a 555 timer, a CD4017 decade counter and some LEDs, Ben Jemmett made his very own flashy paper Christmas tree and put all the necessary files and instruction into a GitHub repo. (via)
Jared Hutchins wrote about the history of dairy cow breeding and how big data replaced the more traditional (and arguably eugenicist-led) approaches of the early 20th century: This is the story of how the power of big data, combined with an ambitious public-private partnership between dairy farmers and the US Department of Agriculture, enabled the …
Deck the halls with boughs of carefully folded holly!