Luke Alex

Google is really shoehorning Gemini into all of its products. Almost as if they want to increase user adoption figures by plastering it everywhere. Not very organic of them.

Here’s how to build an OS in 1,000 lines of code. I would have killed for this when I told a prospective university lecturer in an interview that my dream was to build an operating system. Thankfully, I shifted my sights eventually.

Atlas of Space is an interactive visualization to explore the planets, moons, asteroids, and other objects in the Solar System. Amazing for anyone remotely interested in the universe that we live in.

Robotics guy Kevin McAleer used his skills to make a Tamagotchi out of a Raspberry Pi Pico, dubbed the Picotamachibi. The shell is 3D printed and it comes with the standard three buttons to take care of your virtual pet.

For Chemistry World, Katrina Megget on the chemical complexity of a cup of tea: Drinking tea has been popular for millennia. Slowly the science is starting to reveal the complex chemical nature of our favourite brew.