TIL: The Democratic Republic of Congo is now the second-largest producer of copper in the world, ahead of Peru but behind Chile. Last year, according to the DRC Ministry of Mines, the country’s copper production amounted to approximately 2.84 million tonnes.
Nicole Froio on Black Brazilian activists maintaining its history in the nation's tech future
“We have to preserve this memory, so [slavery] never happens again”
Remember eWorld, Apple’s attempt at an ISP?
Apple Online didn’t really work out that way.
The results of the first State of HTML survey are in...
Web components were a big topic.
What happens if you drop sodium metal into a toilet? This was so satisfying to watch.
The pelagic zone
I’d like to hear LL Cool J write a song about the pelagic zone!
Welcome back Archie, the Internet’s first search engine
All Archie, no comics!
What is the Richat Structure?
The Eye of the Sahara.
A meteor in the Portuguese sky, caught on video by Milena Refacho on Instagram. Scientists claimed that the meteor traveled at more than 100,000 miles per hour and the bright blue-green* flash came from its metallic composition; the most common metallic meteors are iron-nickel, so green is a typical color.
I’ve just been reading on the Sony BMG copy protection rootkit scandal, where Sony BMG distributed about 22 million CDs with DRM software that created exploitable vulnerabilities.
When to use var, let, and const in JavaScript
Don’t LET VAR be a CONSTant issue in your learning!
Nearly half of the Web's traffic is a mix of good bot/bad bot, according to Imperva
Robots? More like NObots, amirite fellas?