Happy Pi Day! 14th March makes it 3/14 to those who swap the day and month in their dates which makes it a very mathsy day in honour of the famous mathematical constant. So here are some cool links on pi for you all to learn a but more. Make sure to have some pie as well to keep the joke going!
- Pi Day 2024: Why NASA uses only 16 of the 62 trillion digits of pi we know (Live Science)
- International pi day: The Welshman who defined the number (BBC)
- You Can Count on Pi (Wired)
- Happy Pi day! Let’s kill it (Wired UK)
- 105 Trillion Pi Digits: The Journey to a New Pi Calculation Record (StorageReview.com)
- Enthusiasts Dig ‘Pi Day’ (The Harvard Crimson, from 2002)
- Spelling champ using music to memorize pi (East Bay Times)
- 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592.jp (this displays hundreds of pi’s digits)
- How Rational Math Catches Slippery Irrational Numbers (Quanta)
- Why bother calculating pi to 62.8 trillion digits? It’s both useless and fascinating (The Conversation)
- π ≈ 3.141, not only now, but forever (Nature)
- Is π Really Irrational? (Forbes)
- The surprising history of π (Scienceline)
- Even computers can’t get pi exactly right (Cosmos Magazine)
- We’ve Got the Formula for a Stellar Pi Day (NASA)
- Chemical π (Scientific American)