AI, Computer Science, Computing, Mathematics, Projects, Tech, Video Games Arduino: can run DOOM and a linear regression model November 3, 2024 Arduino / data / Hackaday / ice / programming / Python / software / UI / video Astronomy, Astrophysics, Physics, Science Is there an ocean on Mimas, Saturn's moon? August 7, 2024 ice / oceans / outer space / planets / research / the Universe / water Earth Sciences, Science Aerial views of Iceland's glacier rivers August 4, 2024 ecology / ice / video / water Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Physics, Science How does water freeze? June 17, 2024 cool links / ice / water Earth Sciences, Science Pakistan: the most glacial country in the world February 26, 2024 cool links / glaciology / ice Earth Sciences, Science The ever-disappearing Antarctic sea ice August 10, 2023 climate change / data viz / ice Earth Sciences, Science Another Arctic tragedy June 7, 2023 climate change / cool links / ice / oceans / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science What are sastrugi? March 26, 2023 glaciology / ice / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science Climate 'tipping points' that could change our world forever June 11, 2022 climate change / Earth / ecology / glaciology / ice Engineering, Tech Ice wheels, leading the way! March 17, 2022 3D printing / Hackaday / ice / transport Earth Sciences, Science The Arctic is losing its soul November 15, 2021 climate change / Earth / glaciology / ice / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science Emergency on Planet Earth: 28 trillion tonnes of ice melted since 1994 August 28, 2020 Earth / geology / glaciology / ice
Astronomy, Astrophysics, Physics, Science Is there an ocean on Mimas, Saturn's moon? August 7, 2024 ice / oceans / outer space / planets / research / the Universe / water Earth Sciences, Science Aerial views of Iceland's glacier rivers August 4, 2024 ecology / ice / video / water Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Physics, Science How does water freeze? June 17, 2024 cool links / ice / water Earth Sciences, Science Pakistan: the most glacial country in the world February 26, 2024 cool links / glaciology / ice Earth Sciences, Science The ever-disappearing Antarctic sea ice August 10, 2023 climate change / data viz / ice Earth Sciences, Science Another Arctic tragedy June 7, 2023 climate change / cool links / ice / oceans / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science What are sastrugi? March 26, 2023 glaciology / ice / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science Climate 'tipping points' that could change our world forever June 11, 2022 climate change / Earth / ecology / glaciology / ice Engineering, Tech Ice wheels, leading the way! March 17, 2022 3D printing / Hackaday / ice / transport Earth Sciences, Science The Arctic is losing its soul November 15, 2021 climate change / Earth / glaciology / ice / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science Emergency on Planet Earth: 28 trillion tonnes of ice melted since 1994 August 28, 2020 Earth / geology / glaciology / ice
Earth Sciences, Science Aerial views of Iceland's glacier rivers August 4, 2024 ecology / ice / video / water Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Physics, Science How does water freeze? June 17, 2024 cool links / ice / water Earth Sciences, Science Pakistan: the most glacial country in the world February 26, 2024 cool links / glaciology / ice Earth Sciences, Science The ever-disappearing Antarctic sea ice August 10, 2023 climate change / data viz / ice Earth Sciences, Science Another Arctic tragedy June 7, 2023 climate change / cool links / ice / oceans / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science What are sastrugi? March 26, 2023 glaciology / ice / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science Climate 'tipping points' that could change our world forever June 11, 2022 climate change / Earth / ecology / glaciology / ice Engineering, Tech Ice wheels, leading the way! March 17, 2022 3D printing / Hackaday / ice / transport Earth Sciences, Science The Arctic is losing its soul November 15, 2021 climate change / Earth / glaciology / ice / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science Emergency on Planet Earth: 28 trillion tonnes of ice melted since 1994 August 28, 2020 Earth / geology / glaciology / ice
Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Physics, Science How does water freeze? June 17, 2024 cool links / ice / water Earth Sciences, Science Pakistan: the most glacial country in the world February 26, 2024 cool links / glaciology / ice Earth Sciences, Science The ever-disappearing Antarctic sea ice August 10, 2023 climate change / data viz / ice Earth Sciences, Science Another Arctic tragedy June 7, 2023 climate change / cool links / ice / oceans / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science What are sastrugi? March 26, 2023 glaciology / ice / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science Climate 'tipping points' that could change our world forever June 11, 2022 climate change / Earth / ecology / glaciology / ice Engineering, Tech Ice wheels, leading the way! March 17, 2022 3D printing / Hackaday / ice / transport Earth Sciences, Science The Arctic is losing its soul November 15, 2021 climate change / Earth / glaciology / ice / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science Emergency on Planet Earth: 28 trillion tonnes of ice melted since 1994 August 28, 2020 Earth / geology / glaciology / ice
Earth Sciences, Science Pakistan: the most glacial country in the world February 26, 2024 cool links / glaciology / ice Earth Sciences, Science The ever-disappearing Antarctic sea ice August 10, 2023 climate change / data viz / ice Earth Sciences, Science Another Arctic tragedy June 7, 2023 climate change / cool links / ice / oceans / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science What are sastrugi? March 26, 2023 glaciology / ice / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science Climate 'tipping points' that could change our world forever June 11, 2022 climate change / Earth / ecology / glaciology / ice Engineering, Tech Ice wheels, leading the way! March 17, 2022 3D printing / Hackaday / ice / transport Earth Sciences, Science The Arctic is losing its soul November 15, 2021 climate change / Earth / glaciology / ice / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science Emergency on Planet Earth: 28 trillion tonnes of ice melted since 1994 August 28, 2020 Earth / geology / glaciology / ice
Earth Sciences, Science The ever-disappearing Antarctic sea ice August 10, 2023 climate change / data viz / ice Earth Sciences, Science Another Arctic tragedy June 7, 2023 climate change / cool links / ice / oceans / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science What are sastrugi? March 26, 2023 glaciology / ice / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science Climate 'tipping points' that could change our world forever June 11, 2022 climate change / Earth / ecology / glaciology / ice Engineering, Tech Ice wheels, leading the way! March 17, 2022 3D printing / Hackaday / ice / transport Earth Sciences, Science The Arctic is losing its soul November 15, 2021 climate change / Earth / glaciology / ice / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science Emergency on Planet Earth: 28 trillion tonnes of ice melted since 1994 August 28, 2020 Earth / geology / glaciology / ice
Earth Sciences, Science Another Arctic tragedy June 7, 2023 climate change / cool links / ice / oceans / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science What are sastrugi? March 26, 2023 glaciology / ice / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science Climate 'tipping points' that could change our world forever June 11, 2022 climate change / Earth / ecology / glaciology / ice Engineering, Tech Ice wheels, leading the way! March 17, 2022 3D printing / Hackaday / ice / transport Earth Sciences, Science The Arctic is losing its soul November 15, 2021 climate change / Earth / glaciology / ice / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science Emergency on Planet Earth: 28 trillion tonnes of ice melted since 1994 August 28, 2020 Earth / geology / glaciology / ice
Earth Sciences, Science What are sastrugi? March 26, 2023 glaciology / ice / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science Climate 'tipping points' that could change our world forever June 11, 2022 climate change / Earth / ecology / glaciology / ice Engineering, Tech Ice wheels, leading the way! March 17, 2022 3D printing / Hackaday / ice / transport Earth Sciences, Science The Arctic is losing its soul November 15, 2021 climate change / Earth / glaciology / ice / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science Emergency on Planet Earth: 28 trillion tonnes of ice melted since 1994 August 28, 2020 Earth / geology / glaciology / ice
Earth Sciences, Science Climate 'tipping points' that could change our world forever June 11, 2022 climate change / Earth / ecology / glaciology / ice Engineering, Tech Ice wheels, leading the way! March 17, 2022 3D printing / Hackaday / ice / transport Earth Sciences, Science The Arctic is losing its soul November 15, 2021 climate change / Earth / glaciology / ice / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science Emergency on Planet Earth: 28 trillion tonnes of ice melted since 1994 August 28, 2020 Earth / geology / glaciology / ice
Engineering, Tech Ice wheels, leading the way! March 17, 2022 3D printing / Hackaday / ice / transport Earth Sciences, Science The Arctic is losing its soul November 15, 2021 climate change / Earth / glaciology / ice / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science Emergency on Planet Earth: 28 trillion tonnes of ice melted since 1994 August 28, 2020 Earth / geology / glaciology / ice
Earth Sciences, Science The Arctic is losing its soul November 15, 2021 climate change / Earth / glaciology / ice / The Arctic Earth Sciences, Science Emergency on Planet Earth: 28 trillion tonnes of ice melted since 1994 August 28, 2020 Earth / geology / glaciology / ice
Earth Sciences, Science Emergency on Planet Earth: 28 trillion tonnes of ice melted since 1994 August 28, 2020 Earth / geology / glaciology / ice