Let's Build! - ODROID-GO + New Project News

Since the Raspberry Pi burst onto the scene in 2013, handheld computers have cropped up all over the place. A common use for all these mini computers is retro gaming and the ODROID-GO is one of the best handheld emulation consoles out now. The Retro Future featured one a week ago and extol its virtues and today, he uploaded a video of his own. It took about a week to arrive from the US and at $32 (exc. shipping, which isn’t as much as you might expect), it’s a bargain considering a Raspberry Pi with the necessary kit to make a Retropie system could cost around £50.

So that’s why I bought one myself and I’ll be reviewing it for LOGiCFACE when it arrives. One thing to note is you can use a Nintendo Gameboy D-pad if you wanted that classic feel and that’s something I’ll be looking to do. I’ll also be spraying the ODROID-GO’s clear case white for as close to an original DMG look as possible. Unfortunately, the buttons can’t be changed for Nintendo ones but I might look to colour those too if it’ll work.

All in all, I’m excited about the ODROID-GO and getting the chance to review it. Watch this space!

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