For Quanta, Katie McCormick reported on a new discovery regarding the distribution of galaxies and their possible asymmetry:
Physicists believe they have detected a striking asymmetry in the arrangements of galaxies in the sky. If confirmed, the finding would point to features of the unknown fundamental laws that operated during the Big Bang.
“If this result is real, someone’s going to get a Nobel Prize,” said Marc Kamionkowski, a physicist at Johns Hopkins University who was not involved in the analysis.
As if playing a cosmic game of Connect the Dots, the researchers drew lines between sets of four galaxies, constructing four-cornered shapes called tetrahedra. When they had built every possible tetrahedron from a catalog of 1 million galaxies, they found that tetrahedra oriented one way outnumber their mirror images.
But these findings still need verification so watch this space (heh). Upon further corroborating evidence, these findings could answer some questions that physicists have had about the Universe for many years. Including Uranus.
Filed under: outer space the Universe theoretical physics